The royal chain continues!
The X-Fire boards are the most awarded racing machines on the PWA world tour. Under the feet of the 24 times world champion Antoine Albeau and other riders, the X-Fire’s have won countless races, events and world titles.
The new X-Fire V11 boards are RRD’s latest and greatest creation up to date.
As usual our relentless R&D team led by Arnon Dagan and Andrea Rosati have put these boards to test in countless different locations and conditions around the world including Hawaii, Italy and Israel.
The advantage of having an in-house custom factory at our home in Italy has proven yet again to be a key feature in the success of this boards.
This year 4 all new models came to life: the 129 lts, 122 lts, 118 lts and 114 lts.
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- The 129 lts and 122 lts: all new outline, volume distribution and rail shape brought this boards to new levels of speed, power, control and jibing abilities. Best sail sizes 129 lts – 10.0 to 7.8; 122 lts – 9.5 to 7.8
- The 118 lts: we have added this new size which ended up as a successful and highly recommended boards! It is based on the X-Fire V10 114 shape but a bit bigger and wider. It takes a huge range of sail sizes and wind conditions yet remains extremely fast and easy in all of them. Best Sail sizes- 9.5-7.8
- The 114 lts: we wanted to maintain the advantage of using a bigger sail then our competitors in the light winds and, at the same time, improve it in high wind and comfort abilities. The result is a success! The all new refined cut outs anable the board to plane even earlier yet hold on to the board in super high winds and rough water. Best sail size: 8.6-7.0
- Light as possible: with full Carbon on both deck and bottom
- All the boards from the 108 lts up are foil ready thanks to a specific reinforced deep tuttle fin box, while the small sizes have a standard tuttle box
- This year we have improved by 20% the stiffness and durability and slightly lowered the weight of the boards by using a 90 grams Dynanotex / Spread tow Carbon fabric on the deck of the 129/122/118/114/108 models.
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Range of use